
The resources listed here are all highly recommended. Some are directly catechetical, such as ‘Discovering God Within’; others have a wider scope and audience.

For example, Bethlehem Books publish outstanding catechetical titles, especially for the very young, as well as stories that inspire with the immeasurable richness and value of human life.

Some resources have a website link, others have a page here for direct access. Some are free, others require payment. All are a joy to see, read, watch or hear.

Children’s Liturgy Resources for Parishes, Families, and Schools

Working with children is a wonderful opportunity to help them to grow in faith in our Lord Jesus Christ who leads us to His Father in Heaven, by the grace of the Holy Spirit.  These free photocopiable resources for children’s liturgy of the word, schools and families are all aimed at leading children into a deeper relationship with Christ through guided questions, discussion, relevant activities and of course, prayer.  All the resources reflect the Four Dimensions of the Christian Faith; which is Faith Proclaimed, Faith Celebrated in the Liturgy and Sacraments, Faith Lived in Christ, and Faith Prayed.

Please download and use these and let others know about this free resource.  It would help if you feedback using the email address on the activities if you found anything particularly useful.

Saints and Celebrations for all Liturgical years

These resources feature many of the saints and other feasts and solemnities celebrated by the Universal Church each month.  They include solemnities which may be celebrated on Sundays and where relevant, the different readings for the different liturgical years. Otherwise, a brief biography of the saint is offered, along with an activity or pause for thought, relating to that saint. 

January Saints and Celebrations >>HERE<<

February Saints and Celebrations  >>HERE<<

March Saints and Celebrations >>HERE<<

Saints and Celebrations Advent >>HERE<<

Christmas and New Year complete resource >> HERE <<

Children’s Liturgy of the Word Resources Year C (Further years will be added in due course.)

These resources include the Gospel for each Sunday, along with suggested activities to use for following up.

CLW Advent Year C >>HERE<<

CLW Year C Weeks 2-8 >> HERE<<


I Believe, We Believe, An illustrated Journey through the Apostles’ Creed

Author: Caroline Farey PhD, Illustrator: Roseanne Sharpe BA
Publisher: Bethlehem Books

A gorgeously illustrated book for an enquiring older child, from 10 yrs and upwards, this book on the Apostles’ Creed is equally enjoyed by parents, catechists and those priests who are prepared to engage with serious catechesis of this age group.

The text invites the reader to follow a young, newly baptised Christian into an unfolding explanation of God’s remarkable mystery of love and faithfulness – from Creation, through the life of Christ, to the final ‘Amen, Alleluia!’ of life everlasting.

More information HERE




Discovering God Within

This unique and ground-breaking video – in the whole field of Evangelisation and Catechesis – presents a hitherto unexplored video-methodology, which beautifully encapsulates the very essence of the ‘Pedagogy of God’. It has been recognised as a unique teaching aid, being engaging and stimulating, without diluting or undermining the orthodox catechetical message.

Wrapped in an imaginative adventure story, two children are taken back in time and space to Christ’s workshop in Nazareth where, in conversation with Him, they discover their innermost selves, and enveloped in Christ’s love and grace. He speaks only in words of Holy Scripture, which brings the Word of God alive in a spectacular way. Visit their site HERE




Bethlehem Books

This publisher of children’s books is a small, home grown publishing company dedicated to restoring to children and families a treasury of wholesome, character-building literature.

Its work springs from the heart of its members, the Bethlehem Community of Benedictine Oblates which began in 1971. The books, many chosen from titles written in the past century, are rooted in the context of a Christian worldview. They are included here as an outstanding source of deeply effective story-telling. Visit their site HERE